We, the Northview Church of the Brethren, recognize that diversity can be a source of strength as we deal with situations that extend beyond the many commonly-held beliefs that bind us together as a community of faith. We agree that Christ taught unconditional love for one another and that as Christians, we must examine our relationships in the light of Christ’s teachings and example.

As an expression of Christ’s love, recognizing that there are many gifts manifested by the Spirit in those who are seeking to experience the Reign of God, we welcome and affirm as full members and participants in our congregational life all persons who would grow closer to God by following the example of Jesus. This welcome is extended to everyone without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnic heritage, physical ability or economic resources. We have discovered that, as a congregation, we offer a safe, compassionate environment in which all persons can grow in their relationship to God.

We believe that God can and will continue to work in us and through us as we continue to build this community of faith. We encourage open and honest dialogue with anyone who wishes to further explore the meaning of this statement of welcome and affirmation. Through that dialogue, we hope to continue to learn and teach about love, peace and justice.