You may not realize it, but pledges are one of the tools the Northview Leadership Team uses to navigate Northview’s budget throughout the year. So, filling out your pledge card for the year, is very helpful, and even allows us to determine which agencies we can support throughout the year.
2025 Pledge Cards can be found on the table in the narthex, or you can fill out a pledge electronically by going to
Paper copies can be placed in the offering plate, the envelope outside the Pastor’s office, or hand it to Judy Miller.
Also vital to the work of the church is your time and talent. And that can be best utilized if you’d fill out a Time & Talent sheet, which can be found on the table in the narthex, or you can request a digital version from Pastor Rob, or by contacting the office.
Time & Talent sheets can be placed in the envelope outside the Pastor’s office.